The Prisoner’s Family
A Conference for Those Who Care to Learn and DO more
February 22-24, 2012 (Wednesday through Friday)
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Conference Workshop Presentation Application Guidelines
DEADLINE for submissions: July 31, 2011

Event History
The first-ever Prisoner’s Family Conference held in El Paso, TX in February 2009 was considered a resounding success by all in attendance. The 2nd & 3rd Prisoner’s Family Conferences held in Orlando, Florida & Portland, Oregon respectively expanded and confirmed the national interest in the prison family. Based on feedback from the 2010 conference attendees, the 2011 conference was extended to 3 days. The conference provides vital information for improving the quality of life for prisoner’s families during and following the incarceration of a loved one, and offers ample networking opportunities with those from across the country concerned for the prisoner’s family and the reintegrating prisoner.

Deadline for applying is July 31, 2011
To find out more about this conference go to info@prisoner’ or call 915-861-7733