2019 Kids Count Data Book
State Trends in Child Well-Being
What does child well-being look like in your state?
The Annie E. Casey Foundation acknowledges that contributions of many make the KIDS COUNT Data Book possible.
Many changes have occurred since the first Kids Count Data Book was published 30 years ago in 1990. Although as a nation we have improved in some areas, we have failed in others. There are still ethnic and racial disparities among children.
The Kids Count index captures what children need most to thrive, using 4 domains.
- Economic well-being
- Education
- Health
- Family and Community
State rankings are based on the data.
The Kids Count Data Book is filled with colorful charts and graphs for comparison among the states. They are well done, and helpful. There are also many wonderful photographs of children of all ages, races and ethnic backgrounds engaged in education, interaction with adults and play.
If you are interested in how your state compares to others, the Kid Count Data Book can be an asset.
There are also National and State Data Profiles online. These provide current and trend data for 16 indicators (4 in each of the 4 domains mentioned above).
For more information go to www.aecf.org/databook. In addition the Kids Count Data Center features an interactive look at the Kids Count index at www.datacenter.kidscount.org.