Fleecy Clouds: One Woman’s Story of Surviving and Thriving after Childhood Abuse
by Gail Champion Barber and Alice Sullivan
Self-published, 2023.
Amazon Hardcover $24.99, Paperback 19.99, 463 pages
Gail’s story from childhood to the present day is an inspiring one. Like many children who experience abuse and trauma in their early years, it affects them deeply as adults. Almost half the book deals with her early life. Gail grew up in a family of love, but also one of poverty. Gail dealt with a house fire, her mother’s cancer which eventually took her life, and having to leave her father, who she adored to go live with her grandmother. Mammy, the grandmother, abused Gail physically, verbally, and psychologically. The abuse continued the entire time she lived with Mammy. Gail’s survival must be attributed to God.
Her life takes a turn when she and her siblings are taken to Childhaven. The people she met, the love, instruction and encouragement she received, and the many positive models around her all helped turn Gail’s life around. She didn’t just survive, she thrived in the Childhaven environment.
Many will be inspired and helped as they take the time to read “Fleecy Clouds.” If you know children in traumatic situations this book will encourage you to get involved.
Even though my husband and I have known of Childhaven for more than two decades, been on their campus, and spent time each year with their Executive Director Emeritus Jim Wright, I have a new and deep appreciation for all who are part of Childhaven.
Although the continued story of her life after Childhaven is a positive one, the strength of the book lies in her childhood, both the early difficult years and the blessing of going to Childhaven.